LEGUMES, PRODUCE FROM VEGETABLE PATCHES, RICE, MEAT AND OLIVE OIL are the main ingredients of this countryside town’s cuisine.
Utrera’s main dishes include meat stews, such as OXTAIL STEW, and PUCHERO, which is essentially a meat broth served with PRINGÁ, the pieces of meat used to make the broth, which are subsequently mushed together and eaten with bread. Another typical dish is SNAILS in a spicy broth, which is served in many bars throughout spring. No dinner table is ever seen without GORDAL OLIVES; Utrera is one of Spain’s main producers of this aperitif, as they are valued for their size and flavour.
The town is also renowned for its MOSTACHÓN eat cakes, cooked on a sheet of paper in a wood fire. The town’s many bakeries also sell a plethora of sweets, such as BIZCOTELAS (light Moorish biscuits) LENGUAS and PALOS DE NATA (cream-filled buns), CORONITAS DE PIÑONES (pine nut crowns), PESTIÑOS (sesame-flavoured pastries) and BRAZOS DE GITANO (Swiss rolls).
The FIESTA DE LA TAPA COFRADE (BROTHERHOOD TAPAS FESTIVAL), during Lent is the culinary event of the year.