One of the most important events are the FESTIVALS OF LUCENA, declared of National Tourist Interest, which take place at the beginning of May with highlights such as the traditional ‘pregón’ (proclamation), the enormous offering of flowers and the procession of the virgin Mary under a blanket of fireworks.
Around this celebration, the PILGRIMAGES OF THE BAJADA (DESCENT) and SUBIDA (ASCENT) of Mª. Stma. de Araceli (the Blessed Virgin of Araceli) bring the virgin from her Shrine to the Church of San Mateo and vice versa with great fervour and devotion.
After the celebration of HOLY WEEK, CHILDREN’S HOLY WEEK takes place with children taking centre stage, reminding them of this important local tradition. There are small processions, replicas of the larger ones, of a high quality and with a lot of detail, beauty and devotion.
Another of the most awaited events in Lucena is the FERIA REAL DE NTRA. SRA. DEL VALLE (ROYAL FAIR OF OUR LADY OF THE VALLEY)., where lanterns, horse parades, traditional music and bullfighting events welcome the month of September. Another deep rooted tradition is the FERIA DE SAN FRANCISCO (FAIR OF ST FRANCIS) held at the start of August: an open-air celebration popularly known as ‘Feria de los Novios’.
This celebratory atmosphere is also present each October in the FIESTAS DE NTRA SRA. DE LA AURORA (FESTIVAL), with the evening street concerts of Campanilleros (flamenco songs), accompanied by the playing of FANDANGOS DE LUCENA, a type of flamenco which is categorised within the family of ‘abandolaos’ and is authentic of the town.
Another event with a musical tradition takes place during Lent, with the EXALTACIÓN DE LA SAETA (EXALTATION OF THE SAETA – an unaccompanied religious song).
Lucena boasts a rich and diverse musical heritage, which has led to UNESCO declaring it a CREATIVE CITY OF MUSIC.