Easter Week is one of the most important social, cultural, artistic and religious forms of expression in Andalusia and Spain.
A large proportion of the population participate in this festival, which is interpreted differently from town to town, depending on each one’s particularities and characteristics.The towns’ brotherhoods organise impressive processions, during which men carry large, decorative floats with images representing scenes from the Passion and the death of Christ. The processions, organised by brotherhoods in hundreds of towns and cities, take place in the streets. Each brotherhood parades its floats, carried by men on the outside or hidden underneath, with images representing scenes from the Passion and Crucifixion of Christ. Penitents, known as ‘nazarenos’, walk in front of the _oat, wearing robes in the colour of their brotherhood, carrying long candles or attributes of the Passion, as well as lanterns and other religious objects. Most processions are accompanied by music from a band or other figures such as ‘sayones’ (soldiers) or Romans, and women dressed in black, wearing lace ‘mantillas’