FLAMENCO has an event not to be missed every August 14th with the FESTIVAL DE CANTE GRANDE FOSFORITO (SINGING FESTIVAL) , Llave de Oro del Cante (Golden Key of Flamenco Singing) and Festival of Tourist Interest in Andalusia which, since its first edition in 1966, has included the best from the national stage. And the MEMBRILLO DE ORO FLAMENCO SINGING CONTEST takes place in spring.

There is also the ‘Saeta Cuartelera’: a form of saeta religious song spoken and performed in two voices. Added to this are the choral songs of la Alondra and el Batido, which provide an unusual soundtrack during LENT and HOLY WEEK. Lent is also marked by moments such as JUEVES LARDERO (LITERALLY FAT THURSDAY, IT IS THE THURSDAY BEFORE LENT), SÁBADOS DE ROMANOS (ROMAN SATURDAYS) or EXALTACIÓN DE LA SAETA CUARTELERA (EXALTATION OF THE SAETA CUARTELERA RELIGIOUS SONG).
The spring festivals start with the ROMERÍA DE SAN MARCOS (PILGRIMAGE) in April, followed by the celebration of the DÍA DE LA CRUZ (DAY OF THE CROSS) and SEMANA SANTA CHIQUITA (CHILDREN’S HOLY WEEK) in May.
The FERIA REAL (ROYAL FAIR) has taken place every August 15th to 19th since 1834 by decree of the Queen Regent María Cristina, which has become one of the oldest of Andalusia.

The NOCHES EN LA VILLA (NIGHTS IN THE TOWN) mark the cultural calendar of the summer period.