It is dicult to give a quick summary of this ducal town’s rich and extensive heritage. The town’s three most symbolic monuments dominate the town: the celebrated COLEGIATA, the ENCARNACIÓN CONVENT and OSUNA UNIVERSITY, which is in the purest Renaissance style. The town’s typically Seville-style whitewashed streets are constantly interrupted by the numerous exquisite Andalusian Baroque-style STATELY HOMES AND MANSIONS.
As you walk around the town you will nd many outstanding examples of religious architecture -convents and churches with extraordinary altar pieces and images- including NTRA. SRA. DE LA VICTORIA CHURCH, CONSOLACIÓN, SAN AGUSTÍN, SAN CARLOS REAL, NUESTRA SEÑORA DEL CARMEN, SANTO DOMINGO, ESPÍRITU SANTO CONVENT, SAN PEDRO, the CONCEPCIÓN CONVENT CHURCH, etc. This jewel of a town is enriched by civil buildings such as the TORRE DEL AGUA tower (the oldest monument in Osuna), the PÓSITO, THE ARCO DE LA PASTORA arch and the TOWN HALL.