This was completed in 1892: it is worth noting that it was excavated from solid rock. There are boxes on the upper of its two levels, it can accomodate 7000 spectators, and it enjoys every facility required by modern bullfighting regulations.
The opening ceremony was on August 7th, 1892: six bulls from the stables of Don Eduardo Miura were killed by Rafael Molina, known as Lagartijo, and Rafael Bejarano Torerito. Other significant dates were August 7, 1890 – with the bullring not yet completed – when the matador Rafael Guerra Guerrita fought six mature bulls from the stables of the Marquesa Viuda de Saltillo: on September 2nd 1932, a corrida was celebrated in honour of Don Niceto Alcalá-Zamora, the first president of the Second Spanish Republic, with matadors Marcial Lalanda, Manuel Bienvenida, and Domingo Ortega, against the bulls of Manuel Arranz. The corrida marking the centenary of the bullring was held on August 8, 1992, with matadors
Miguel Baez Litri, Julio Aparicio, and Finito de Córdoba. Bulls from the stables of Luis Algarra Polera replaced those of the Marques de Ruchena which had been announced in the programme.
Av. de España,Priego de Córdoba
37.44087752913, -4.2085245064913