In 1612, the Jesuits occupied it and in 1626 the 4th Duchess of Osuna, founded the Monastery that was governed by the Royal and Military Order of the Merced on the former hospital’s site. Through the church we enter the Patio, surrounded by an 18th century wall, adorned with Sevillano tiles, which depict biblical scenes, the five senses, four seasons of the year, street motifs and nuns praying. There are also hunting and bullfighting scenes.
Most of the interior has been transformed into a Museum, being displayed around the main cloister. The 18th century Sevillano tiled-adorned walls are extraordinarily beautiful, decorating its lively patio and original staircase.
It is a cloistered convent, although it is open to visitors and the nuns even offer guided tours. As well as the tours, visitors can purchase sweets and pastries, typical of Andalusian convents: roscos, tortas, bollitos almendrados, bolas de coco, bocaditos colombianos, yemas de San Ramón or suspiros de ángel.