Using the ingredients produced by Ecija’s fertile crop fields, its dishes include GAZPACHO ECIJANO, LAS ESPINACAS LABRADAS (SPINACH DISH) or ‘SOPA DE GATO’, a type of garlic soup to which peppers and tomatoes are added. And, of course, breakfast includes the traditional MOLLETES (soft bread) spread with ‘manteca colorá’ – lard with pork meat, paprika and other species.
Confectionery from Ecija includes the famous YEMAS ‘EL ECIJANO’ (SWEETS OF EGG YOLK AND SUGAR), TORTAS DE MANTECA (BUTTER CAKES) or the most exquisite sweets made by conventual bakers. Notable conventual confectionery features BIZCOCHOS MARROQUÍES (MOROCCAN SPONGE CAKES) and TRUFAS DE AVELLANAS (HAZELNUT TRUFFLES) from the Dominican nuns of St Florentine or FLORES DE MIEL (DEEP FRIED PASTRY FLOWERS WITH HONEY) from the Royal Convent of Santa Inés.
There are plenty of olive oil mills producing EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL in the town. It is possible to visit one of them, OLEUM 1948, to discover how it is made.