Baena’s cultural heritage ranges from its important archaeological remains (with those at TORREPAREDONES being the most signicant), some of which date back 3,500 years, to its rich heritage of both civil and religious architecture.
The city’s religious architecture features a number of important churches, such as SANTA MARÍA LA MAYOR and the CONVENTUAL DE MADRE DE DIOS.
The PLAZA DE LA CONSTITUCIÓN forms the heart of the city, combining Baroque buildings, such as the CASA DEL MONTE, with modern buildings such as the TOWN HALL.
The most traditional area of the city is LA ALMEDINA which was originally Moorish, and which features the remains of the CASTLE and two of the city’s most representative symbols: the copy of the IBERIAN LION (León Ibérico) and the “CRISMÓN DE BAENA”, a Visigoth cross. A stroll around this beautiful city is completed by enjoying its arches (CONSOLACIÓN AND OSCURO) and its HISTORIC HOUSES.